Popular Beautiful Muslim Urdu Names:

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If you are a Muslim woman looking for a child's name, then you may consider some popular beautiful Muslim Urdu names. Such as Aisha, Zainab, Maha, Sadaf, Khadija, Aisha, Shahnaz, and so on. Each of these will allow you to create the name that is unique to you and the one that suits your personality.

One of the most popular beautiful Muslim Urdu names is actually a common Pakistani name; Begum. It is not often used in Pakistan due to religious reasons, but the name is very beautiful. The name is Arabic for "the mother of the Believers". So it is no wonder that when it is spelt out in its entirety, it spells out the name "Bengal"!

There are other popular beautiful Muslim Urdu names that will suit women who want to add that little bit of extra to their name. Such as Abu, Amal, Amina, Faiza, Shahnaz, and others. These names are often religious in nature and therefore they are often preferred. They are very romantic in nature as well.

A name like Qatiba is another popular beautiful Muslim Urdu names that are particularly suited to men. It is spelt Qabiba which means "a prince or a chief".

Another popular, beautiful Muslim Urdu names for girls is Keerza. This name means "Lioness" and it is said that the name is taken from a legend that it was given to the daughter of 'Baba'. The name is derived from a place where the legend states that King 'Baba' once lived.

One other name that is also commonly used for girls is Falah. It is a very common name for both boys and girls, and it means "strong and reliable" which is just one of the many beautiful Muslim Urdu names that women can choose from.

Not all the names mentioned here are entirely Muslim, but some of them are completely unique in nature. Even though they may be Muslim in origin, they are all beautiful Muslim Urdu names that are unique in their own right.

With so many beautiful Muslim Urdu names out there, it should be fairly easy to find the perfect name for yourself. As long as you do some research on your own, you should be able to come up with a name that is truly your own. All it takes is a little bit of looking around to discover the name that you have always wanted!

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